Our programmes work by focusing on what you already do, and do well - unlike most development processes that are aimed at filling gaps in performance.

How We Work
Words that describe us:
Design in the moment
One of our participants writes: “I continue to be astonished at what emerges. I have enjoyed the programme so much and it has been enormously useful to me this year. The combination of skills that you both bring is so powerful and yet at the same time the atmosphere is both relaxing and freeing.”
Leadership Intensives
A unique way for you to get to grips with, and resolve, your leadership challenges and issues in a confidential space designed solely for you. Two half days over two months, just you and Moira

"I think what you do is create a different plane of consciousness for people – all the noise drops away and you suddenly find you have time to think, opportunity look at yourself objectively and look at working with what you’ve got. The biggest strengths of the session are that it’s about accepting who you are and how you are and making the most of that. Overall it was a very positive experience and I hate to use the word but it was very "empowering", I feel much "lighter” for talking everything through with you both and have already made changes to the way I see myself, how I view the value I can add to the business in my role and the way I deal with people".
Senior Director in the Insurance Industry